Getting Involved

“The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion. “ – John Wesley

Getting InvolvedEntering a new church for the first time can be a daunting experience. However you should be aware that we receive many visitors each week, so don’t worry about being the only one who is there for the first time. Before our morning and evening services you will find a Welcome team standing in the foyer. You will recognize them because they will be wearing name badges. Please introduce yourself and ask for a Welcome pack. If you come to our Communion service, the Church members at the Welcome Desk will invite you to give your name so that we can welcome you at the start of the service. If you don’t want to be announced, just say so! They will also explain the format of our  Communion service to you, in case you are unfamiliar with our approach to ‘the Lord’s Supper’. If you have no plans for lunch, then ask the Welcome team about hospitality arrangements. This hospitality service is particularly aimed at students and first time visitors.

If you are not yet a Christian and would like to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ then ask any member or someone from the Welcome team about our Christianity Explored course which runs each Tuesday evening throughout term time. If you are a Christian and would like to enjoy more opportunities to have fellowship then read through the weekly leaflet for details of the events and activities which run throughout the week. The Welcome team will gladly introduce you to other Church members who are involved in the events you are interested in attending.

At some stage you may care to talk to some of the elders about joining the Church as a member. If you have been coming for a while, and have asked the Lord to guide your thinking about Church membership, then ask for the booklet we have published which explains our ethos and values. (A lot of the material is also available on this Web site). Church members and elders will gladly answer your questions informally before any application is made. In order to become a member, applicants are interviewed by the elders of the Church – usually on a Monday evening. We run classes for New Members each year.