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Rally  Sunday

Rally Sunday

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

This four-week series will conclude our treatment of the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. It covers the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The central aim is to teach the positive and vital role of the Holy Spirit in our church, while providing clarity on those issues that confuse many young believers today.

God Our Saviour - Studies in 1st Timothy

God Our Saviour - Studies in 1st Timothy

This letter presents two reasons for Christ's incarnation: (i) to save sinners (1:15) (ii) to manifest God in flesh (3:16). This is the basis of the two key themes of 1st Timothy. The focus of the first half of the letter is on how God works to save this world from the damage caused by sin. In the second half (starting 3:16) the theme is godliness. Godliness involves living in the world, but living for the world to come.

Mission Weekend 2018

Mission Weekend 2018

From Suffering To Glory - Studies in Mark Part 2

From Suffering To Glory - Studies in Mark Part 2

Part 2 of Mark exposes the full range of deep-seated fault lines in human heart, in individuals and in societies. Christ’s determined journey in the face of these attitudes opens up the road which He calls His disciples to follow. As Peter said later: “Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”

Hope In Adversity

Hope In Adversity
