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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

The New Year is a time for new beginnings. We would like to invite you to hear the stories of four people who met Jesus Christ. He transformed their lives– and gave them a new beginning.

Inspired By God's People

Inspired By God's People

A series looking at how ordinary people were used by God in miraculous ways.

Inspired By God

Inspired By God

A series looking at the awe-inspiring works of God and the impact that seeing His glory can have on believers both throughout the Bible and those of us living for Him today.

Psalms Which Are Precious

Psalms Which Are Precious

A study of some of the most well loved Psalms and their ability to challenge, rebuke, comfort and give hope.

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

A study of mankind, looking at man’s nature and purpose both through biblical examples and contemporary society.

Lessons From The Epistles

Lessons From The Epistles

A short series looking at some of the smaller epistles in the New Testament.
